ISMRM Sunrise Practical Session, Parallel Imaging Part I

This document contains the first set of practical exercises for the ISMRM course on parallel imaging.


Exercise Data

Exercise ground truth information is found in im1.mat (brain image), smaps_phantom.mat (sensitivity maps) and noise_covariances.mat (noise covariance matrices).

We start by clearing the workspace, loading this ground truth information and setting a few parameters from this.

close all;
clear all

fprintf('Loading Ground Truth Information\n');
load im1.mat
load smaps_phantom.mat
load noise_covariances.mat

ncoils = size(smaps,3);
Rn = Rn_normal_8;
imsize = size(im1);
nx = imsize(1);
ny = imsize(2);
Loading Ground Truth Information

Data Simulation

Let's use our ground truth data to simulate some data

channel_im = smaps .* repmat(im1, [1 1 ncoils]);

noise_scale = 0.1;
noise = noise_scale * max(im1(:)) * ismrm_generate_correlated_noise(imsize, Rn);
data = ismrm_transform_image_to_kspace(channel_im, [1 2]) + noise;


Let's start by prewhitening so that we don't have to contend with the noise covariance matrix.

dmtx = ismrm_calculate_noise_decorrelation_mtx_from_covariance_mtx(Rn);
csm_true = ismrm_apply_noise_decorrelation_mtx(smaps, dmtx);
data = ismrm_apply_noise_decorrelation_mtx(data, dmtx);
%Rn = eye(ncoils);

Channel Combination

Let's use our ground truth data to perform an SNR-optimal channel combination

im_full = ismrm_transform_kspace_to_image(data, [1, 2]);
ccm_roemer_optimal = ismrm_compute_ccm(csm_true, eye(ncoils));
im_roemer_optimal = abs(sum(im_full .* ccm_roemer_optimal, 3));

How does this compare to our ground-truth image?


The noise level varies slightly from pixel-to-pixel. Let's make a map of this

noise_map = ismrm_calculate_noise_amplification(ccm_roemer_optimal, eye(ncoils));
ismrm_imshow(noise_map, [0 max(noise_map(:))]);

How does this compare to a root-sum-of-squares (SOS) reconstruction?

im_sos = ismrm_rss(im_full,3);
ismrm_imshow(cat(3, im_roemer_optimal, im_sos));
ismrm_imshow(cat(3, abs(im_roemer_optimal-im1), abs(im_sos-im1)));

Looks like we have a scaling and/or shading issue that makes it hard to do this comparison. Let's normalize to SOS shading

[ccm_roemer_optimal, shading_correction_im] = ismrm_normalize_shading_to_sos(ccm_roemer_optimal);
im_roemer_optimal = abs(sum(im_full .* ccm_roemer_optimal, 3));
im_true = shading_correction_im .* im1;
ismrm_imshow(cat(3, im_true, im_roemer_optimal, im_sos));
ismrm_imshow(cat(3, abs(im_roemer_optimal-im_true), abs(im_sos-im_true)));

SOS channel combination aligns the phase of the background noise before summing, leading to a DC ofset in these pixels. Let's try channel combination based on coil sensitivity estimates from some low resolution calibration data.

cal_shape = [32 32];
cal_noise_scale = 0.1;
cal_data = ismrm_transform_image_to_kspace(channel_im, [1 2], cal_shape);
noise = cal_noise_scale * max(im1(:)) * ismrm_generate_correlated_noise(cal_shape, Rn);
cal_data = cal_data + noise;

cal_data = ismrm_apply_noise_decorrelation_mtx(cal_data, dmtx);

f = hamming(cal_shape(1)) * hamming(cal_shape(2))';
fmask = repmat(f, [1 1 ncoils]);
filtered_cal_data = cal_data .* fmask;

cal_im = ismrm_transform_kspace_to_image(filtered_cal_data, [1 2], imsize);

% Use a circular region of support for pixels
pixel_mask = sum(abs(smaps),3) > 0;
cal_im = cal_im .* repmat(pixel_mask, [1 1 ncoils]);

csm_walsh = ismrm_estimate_csm_walsh(cal_im);
csm_mckenzie = ismrm_estimate_csm_mckenzie(cal_im);

csm_true = ismrm_normalize_shading_to_sos(csm_true);
csm_walsh = ismrm_normalize_shading_to_sos(csm_walsh);
csm_mckenzie = ismrm_normalize_shading_to_sos(csm_mckenzie);

ccm_mckenzie = ismrm_compute_ccm(csm_mckenzie);
ccm_walsh = ismrm_compute_ccm(csm_walsh);

im_mckenzie = abs(sum(im_full .* ccm_mckenzie, 3));
im_walsh = abs(sum(im_full .* ccm_walsh, 3));

ismrm_imshow(cat(3, im_true, im_roemer_optimal, im_sos, im_walsh, im_mckenzie), [], [], {'source image', 'true csm', 'SoS', 'Walsh csm', 'McKenzie csm'});
ismrm_imshow(cat(3, abs(im_roemer_optimal-im_true), abs(im_sos-im_true), abs(im_walsh-im_true), abs(im_mckenzie-im_true)));

Create Acclerated Data

acc_factor = 4;
sp = ismrm_generate_sampling_pattern(imsize, acc_factor, 0);
data_accel = data .* repmat(sp == 1 | sp == 3,[1 1 ncoils]);
im_alias = ismrm_transform_kspace_to_image(data_accel,[1,2]);
ismrm_imshow(abs(im_alias),[], [2 4]);

Create Data Driven & Model Driven Joint Encoding Relations

kernel_shape = [5 7];
jer_lookup_dd = ismrm_compute_jer_data_driven(cal_data, kernel_shape);
unfiltered_cal_im = ismrm_transform_kspace_to_image(cal_data, [1,2], 2 * size(cal_data));
jer_lookup_md = ismrm_compute_jer_model_driven(unfiltered_cal_im, kernel_shape);

Use Various Calibration Approaches to Create Unmixing Images

num_recons = 4;
titles = {'SENSE true csm', 'SENSE estimated csm', 'PARS', 'GRAPPA'};

unmix = zeros([imsize ncoils num_recons]);
unmix(:,:,:,1) = ismrm_calculate_sense_unmixing(acc_factor, csm_true, eye(ncoils), 0) .* acc_factor;
unmix(:,:,:,2) = ismrm_calculate_sense_unmixing(acc_factor, csm_mckenzie, eye(ncoils), 0) .* acc_factor;
unmix(:,:,:,3) = ismrm_calculate_jer_unmixing(jer_lookup_md, acc_factor, ccm_mckenzie, 0, false);
unmix(:,:,:,4) = ismrm_calculate_jer_unmixing(jer_lookup_dd, acc_factor, ccm_mckenzie, 0, false);

SENSE unmixing

ismrm_imshow(abs(unmix(:,:,:,1)), [], [2 4]);
ismrm_imshow(angle(unmix(:,:,:,1)), [], [2 4]); colormap('hsv');

SENSE unmixing with estimated coil sensitivity maps

ismrm_imshow(abs(unmix(:,:,:,2)), [], [2 4]);
ismrm_imshow(angle(unmix(:,:,:,1)), [], [2 4]); colormap('hsv');

PARS unmixing

ismrm_imshow(abs(unmix(:,:,:,3)), [], [2 4]);
ismrm_imshow(angle(unmix(:,:,:,3)), [], [2 4]); colormap('hsv');

GRAPPA unmixing

ismrm_imshow(abs(unmix(:,:,:,4)), [], [2 4]);
ismrm_imshow(angle(unmix(:,:,:,4)), [], [2 4]); colormap('hsv');

Apply and Analyze Reconstructions

aem = zeros([imsize num_recons]);
gmap = zeros([imsize, num_recons]);
im_hat = zeros([imsize, num_recons]);
im_diff = zeros([imsize, num_recons]);

signal_mask = imclose(im1>100.0, strel('disk', 5));

for recon_index = 1:num_recons,
    aem(:,:,recon_index) = ismrm_calculate_aem(signal_mask, csm_true, unmix(:,:,:,recon_index), acc_factor);
    gmap(:,:,recon_index) = ismrm_calculate_gmap(unmix(:,:,:,recon_index), ccm_roemer_optimal, Rn, acc_factor);
    im_hat(:,:,recon_index) = abs(sum(im_alias .* unmix(:,:,:,recon_index), 3));
    im_diff(:,:,recon_index) = abs(im_hat(:,:,recon_index) - im_true);

aliasing energy maps

ismrm_imshow(aem, [0 0.1], [], titles); colormap(jet);

g-factor (relative noise amplification) maps

ismrm_imshow(gmap, [0 6], [], titles); colormap(jet);

reconstructed images

ismrm_imshow(im_hat, [0 0.7 .* max(im_hat(:))], [], titles);

difference images

ismrm_imshow(im_diff, [0 0.1 * max(im_hat(:))], [], titles);

Additional Demos

Demonstration that prewhitening produces same end result as using the noise covariance matrix in the reconstruction.

A study of the reduced field-of-view case.

A study of calibration performance with a small number of calibration lines.

A study of Tychonov regularization for SENSE and local k-space kernel calibration.